K a z u l

pink clouds pink clouds pink clouds
skyline skyline
mountains mountains

Hello there

Here is a list of all the technologies I am familiar with or have worked with in the past.

This website is still a work in progress. It is not yet mobile friendly nor have any of the WASM projects I want to showcase been added.

Programming Languages

C++ JavaScript Lua php


Alpine JS D3.js Express.js jQuery LÖVE Phalcon Svelte three.js Vue.js Yii One Lone Coder Pixel Game Engine

Databases / SQL

MariaDB MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite

CSS Preprocessors

Bootstrap Less Sass Tailwind

Linux Distributions

Alpine Linux Debian Fedora Raspberry Pi

Server Software

Apache NGINX

Operating Systems

Linux Windows

Package Managers

Composer Node Package Manager

Code Editor

Visual Studio Code + NeoVim = VSVim

Information Sources

Google Stackoverflow

Additional Tools

Git Github Firefox Filezilla OpenGL SDL Markdown putty ssh Slack


HTML CSS Arduino Devicon heroku node.js